U S Customs Invoice Rules

U S Customs brokers and importers use the U S customs invoice to determine if shipments can legally enter the United States and to prepare entry documents for imported goods. If the seller prepares the invoice, it is known as a commercial invoice. If the commercial invoice is not available at the time of entry, the importer may prepare a pro forma invoice. The invoice must meet all U S Customs and Border Protection requirements to avoid shipment delays and ensure that the U S government receives the accurate amount of duties and fees.

General Rules

The U S customs invoice must be available at the time of entry. The invoice and all attachments must be in English or include an accurate English translation. The invoice is part of the U S Customs entry documentation and subject to U S Customs and Border Protection record keeping regulations. The importer of record or U S custom broker must keep the invoice and all other records related to the shipment for five years from the date of entry.

Shipment Information

The U S customs invoice must include the name of the U.S. port where the shipment will arrive. If the shipment is a purchase, the invoice must have the names of the seller and buyer. If it is a consignment, the invoice needs to have the names of the shipper and receiver and the time and origin of the merchandise. The invoice should also include the U.S. address where the goods will be shipped.

Description of Goods

The U S customs invoice must have a detailed description of all items in the shipment. It is important to have an accurate description of the goods in the event that customs officials need to inspect the shipment. The description on the invoice must be clear and match the classification on the customs entry. The invoice must include the name of each item and its country of origin. The invoice also needs to have the product numbers of individual items and marks and numbers of packaging. All merchandise quantities must have weights or measures.

Pricing Details

Entry filers need accurate pricing details to determine the amount of U S customs duties to pay. The U S customs invoice must have the purchase price or value of all goods in the currency of the sale. The invoice must include and itemize additional charges such as insurance, freight, packing costs and commissions as well as any discounts from rebates, drawbacks and production assists.

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